Geotechlab The site of the Geotechnical Lab


List of theses and/or internship proposals

  • Analisi interazione ponte-frana
    Activities: numerical modelling and data analysis
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Padova
  • Fibre-soil interaction modelling (Modellazione dell’interazione fibre-terreno)
    Activities: numerical simulations and data analysis
    duration: 6 months
    Where: Montpellier and Padova
  • Analisi numerica e sperimentale di flussi granulari
    Activities: lab tests and/or numerical simulations and data analysis
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Padova
  • Analisi dei meccanismi di collasso arginale
    Activities: data analysis and field tests, numerical simulations
    Duration: 6 mesi
    Where: Padova
  • Complex flows of granular materials made of cohesive particles
    Activities: lab tests and data analysis
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Nantes – Univ. Gustave Eiffel
  • Costruzione di un modello geotecnico arginale: il caso studio di S. Michele al Tagliamento
    Activities: lab tests and in-situ tests data analysis
    Duration: 3 months
    Where: Padova
  • Particle-based coupled hydromechanical simulations of saturated granular media
    Activities: numerical simulations with DEM
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Padova
  • Particle breakage during shear of granular materials
    Activities: experimental tests and data analysis
    Duration: 4-6 months
    Where: Nantes – Univ. Gustave Eiffel
  • Analisi del rischio e modellazione agli elementi discreti della stabilità della nicchia rocciosa del Monte Peron.
    Activities: field surveys and numerical simulations with DEM
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Padova / Varese / Belluno
  • Centrifuge tests of riverbank collapse
    Activities: experimental tests, data analysis
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Bergamo / Padova
  • Experimental collapse tests with wet granular materials
    Activities: lab tests (collapse device, high-speed camera and pressure transducers), image analysis
    Duration: 3 months
    Where: Padova
  • Generation and propagation of seismic waves in granular materials
    Activities: lab tests (collapse device, high-speed camera and pressure transducers), image analysis
    Duration: 3 months
    Where: Padova
  • Rheology of wet granular soils
    Activities: lab tests (rheometer, computer tomography), image analysis, data analysis.
    Duration: 3 months
    Where: Padova / Nantes
  • Wet granular flows
    Activities: numerical simulations with DEM.
    Duration: 4 months
  • Flexible devices made of granular materials
    Activities: data analysis and numerical modelling.
    Duration: 4 months
    Where: Bruxelles / Padova
  • Landslide monitoring from photos
    Activities: excursions and installation of photographic equipment, image analysis.
    Duration: 4 months
    Where: Padova / Belluno / Vicenza
  • Design of rockfall meshes
    Activities: numerical simulations with the Discrete Element Method
    Duration: 5 months
    Where: Padova / Bolzano
  • Mechanical behaviour of gabions
    Activities: image analysis and numerical modelling with DEM and FEM
    Duration: 6 months
    Where: Padova / Vicenza
  • Numerical tests on cyclic behaviour of soils
    Activities: numerical simulations with the FEM-DEM
    Duration: 5-6 months
    Where: Berlin / Padova
  • Micro-Macro mechanics for geotechnics
    Activities: numerical simulations with the Discrete Element Method or FEM
    Duration: 5-6 months
    Where: Padova

Some recent Master’s Theses titles:

Link to the partial list of thesis works (Lista quasi completa)

Numerical study of the generation and propagation of seismic waves in granular materials

Analisi delle vibrazioni prodotte da un flusso granulare secco

Numerical analysis of the performance of a steel wire mesh retaining a jointed rock mass

Modeling and analysis of a potentially hazardous landslide in the Belluno Dolomites (Mt. Peron)

Stability analysis of an earth embankment subject to rainfall infiltration

Analisi micromeccanica del processo di essiccamento di un pendio modello costituito da materiale granulare.

Analisi sperimentale di una tecnica fotogrammetrica per il monitoraggio delle deformazioni di una parete

Effetto di eterogeneità stratigrafiche sulla stabilità globale di un pendio modello in materiale granulare

Analisi numerica e sperimentale del moto di filtrazione in regime transitorio in un modello di pendio in sabbia

Prove di sfilamento di un chiodo in materiali granulari

Studio delle condizioni di stabilità di una discarica di RSU

Approccio di scala per la modellazione agli elementi discreti di un materiale granulare

Modellazione fisica e numerica di pendii sabbiosi

Filtrazione in regime transitorio all’interno di un pendio modello ed effetti sull’instabilità

Analisi degli spostamenti di una frana da una sequenza temporale di immagini digitali
