Soil-Wheel interaction problems were investigated with reference to different soil types, wheel sizes, weights and initial angular and translational velocities (Gabrieli, Volpato, Schiavo, Schiavon, Zarattini).
Granular beds can be viewed as an arrestor or a gripping surface according to the function for which they were designed.
The interaction between particles and the tire surface is a very complex phenomenon. The high complexity degree is mainly due to:
- dynamic features of the wheel-soil impact phenomena;
- development of large and localized strains;
- cyclical events of contact and detachment between wheel and soil;
complexity of the roto-translational motion of the wheel ruled by frictional behaviour at the interface and frictional dissipation of soil volumes along the movement direction.
Some DEM simulations were performed changing initial conditions of the wheel (horizontal velocity, initial pure rolling motion,
Some other soil-wheel interaction tests were carried out in laboratory with a special bifilar pendulum device.