This is a list of my home-made codes and scripts:
Design tool for pinned drapery meshes
This online tool permits to forecast the force-displacement behaviour of anchored double-twist wire meshes. link
Matlab scripts
- Discrete Element Code. This code was developed for teaching purpose in 2D, 3D with spheres and polyhedra (screenshots, VRML example file)

- Discrete Element postprocessor tools. This tool was developed for enabling statistics on the contact orientation, packing, and force vector distribution.

- Landslide Displacement Detector. This Matlab GUI was introduced for image analysis of long sequence of photos taken on the landslide site. It supports different digital image correlation techniques and many other options (channel selection, manual or semi-automatic markers selection, saving and loading features, etc.)

- Stereo-Photogrammetric Reconstruction tool .
- Oedometric test analysis tool

Fish scripts
- Capillary law
- Evaporation law
- Water redistribution law
- Grain-size creation
Surface Evolver (Brakke, 2008) scripts
This code was developed to study the capillary force between different surfaces and particles in pendular and funicular state.

Excel/VB scripts:
- Soil-nailing design tool. This tool was developed for the design of Soil nailing applications.

C++/OpenCV scripts
Python scripts for Yade
Auto-IT scripts
Auto-IT is a useful tool for pc-automation. I used it in the automation of a remote camera & pc at a landslide site.